Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ranting of a Stress B2B

I'm in the mood to rant. Everybody said i'm PMS-ing with my hormon churning and my need to feel frustrated over everything. People, it's June and i'm beginning to stress out. And what do I get from all that? A pimple right smack on my forehead. Oh, bertambah stress aku.

Well, as of now I'm a bit frustrated with one of my vendor. Well, she's handling my solemnization card. I'm refraining from actually pinpointing her to everybody since that's her side income. Again my frustration might be because I'm a bride-2-be. So here's the story. She was a friend of a friend. See how difficult this situation is. If i'm rude to her, it'll be ackward but then again I'm paying her and I need her to be commited. Can u believe we just send the design for printing last week. Freaking insane when normally the wedding cards should be handed out a month before. I don't have to follow her schedule, she should follow mine, as a client, right? I met her early April and she told me that my card will be in my hand by May. She told me I should get my first design a week after meeting her and guess what after a week i didn't get anything as she's too busy with her day job. That should be the alarm bell by right. I gave her a lot of leeway over these 2 months because she's delaying so many times i lost count because she's BUSY. I'm being borderline strict with her the past 2 weeks when we are trying to lock down the final design and she assures me over and over the deadline will be met. She's wrong of course. I'm just so dissapointed. The printing will take another week. Hello, if you know the printing will take another freaking week, why can't you finish it earlier? But again, i withheld myself from being too RUDE/STRICT with her. A friend suggested for me to ask for a discount since she's clearly lack the commitment on me. I know i'm not paying as well as her day job but HELLO, YOU ARE DOING A BUSINESS AND I'M A PAYING CUSTOMER. BASIC RULE: TAKE CARE OF YOUR CLIENTS OR YOU'LL GET BAD PRESS. Yesterday, I ask her to email me the the card design in jpeq. She promised she'll email to me by yesterday. I didn't get any today so i message back with no reply up till now. Really bad customer service. Yes, I do feel like I earn that discount now. Urghh, I'm so over this.

Well another thing is my baju nikah. I know I know they will finish it in time but I just wanna be a lil bit panic just because it is not finish yet. The second fitting will be this friday and even then, it's not completely ready. Oh, tolong I taknak stress about this. If I do, definitely another pimple will pop out for sure.

Thirdly, all the small2 details. We haven't finalised yet what we gonna put on the desert table. Still haven't find henna artist. My cooking skills, well I should say non-existence. Beside that one time when i baked tomatoes with eggs, but i dun think future hubby will be impressed that much. Lidah Melayu so he prefer all this lauk2 kampung which i have not master any yet. Die la like this.

The last few weeks, I should just relax and pamper myself, right? Well my first spa experience was last Monday. Let just put it this way, I'm a Spa Virgin. I never go to any massage or spa centre. So to those who has experience it, you can imagine my discomfort and believe me, if I can blush, I'll be as red as tomato. I don't have to elaborate, you know if you know ;)

Dear God, please make these last few weeks as blissful and peaceful as ever. Amin

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