Friday, September 9, 2011

::Wedding photos::

I am truly bad at updating. My creative juice has run its' course so most posts are random mundane things I did. Oh well..

I just got the photographs from my official photographer. There are more than 1000 of them so I will just upload a few favourites. The style that they captured was intended for vintage feels on each of them but heck I couldn't tell the different from normal ones other than the colours are soft and pastel-like. I love them all.

Hubby & I

Details on my dress

Our fathers

And now I have two more to go through. Pening pening.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Today is Thursday, 8th of September. An important date, that's it.

A couple of weeks until you see me in a wedding dress. I'm stocked. Praying everything will go smoothly.

A month until his reception.

Such a busy busy busy two months for me.

I'll update more in due course.
