Monday, March 28, 2011

::Less than 100 days::

Oh boy oh boy, I did it again.

I've neglected my blog.

You see, the girl who was really passionate in writing years back, somehow she has lost her edge. I would really love to pen in everything here but eventhough i'm bursting with everyday stories, blogging is the last thing that i wanna do.

I'll regret it when years down the road, there is no story about my wedding. So now i'm trying to salvage whatever there is left. ;)

My Wedding.
It has been the focal point in my life since i got engage almost 6 months ago. I'm glad my mom started early in preparing everything. We bought bits by bits every month and i enjoyed the process tremendously and i do basked in the glorified feeling of being engaged. It is so different eventhough we've been together for so long but seeing the ring on my finger cemented the proof that THIS IS IT!!! This is what we were aiming for and it's finally here.

I didn't have a concrete idea on how the concept would be and even know i keep on finding something new to add up to the wedding ideas. But for now, the colours are confirmed.

The colours that i chose was;

I call it champange colour. Fiance chose this colour when we were choosing kain for baju melayu and i fell in love with that tone when we were matching lace with the colour. I love the lace and it would definitely be something different other that white that brides normally wear. So this colour will be my akad nikah colour. I would love to show you the design of my akad nikah attire but it'll ruin the surprise and hoping my designer/tailor do it justice.

Dusty pink is something that catches my eyes when i started looking for my reception colour. At first i thought of wearing this colour for my reception but fiance is not keen on it but since it is such a beautiful colour, my family will be wearing this tone. We opted for cream at the reception. My design for reception attire is simple and full of lace. Think Grace Kelly and you'll get the concept. The veil will be quiet long since my mom said it's a once in a lifetime experience so go for it ;)

And now, i have not finalised the colour and design on fiance's reception. Need to do this soon once he has book his venue.

Things that are done:

1. Bride's attire for solemnization & bride's reception
2. Whole family's attires for both occasions.
3. Wedding favors for both occasions
4. Make up artist for solemnization
5. Hall for reception
6. Mosque & imam for solemnization
7. Hantaran for bride
8. Kursus kahwin
9. Bride & groom's wedding rings

Things pending:

1. Make up artist for receptions
2. Bride's attire for groom's reception
3. Hantaran for groom
4. Caterer
5. Photographer/Videographer
6. Wedding cakes for solemnization & reception
7. Mini pelamin at home
8. Wedding invitations
9. Guests list
10. HIV test

That's what i can remember for now. As you can see there is a lot to do but my big sister a.k.a the maid of honour is quiet efficient. She has lined up appointments for me to see the photographers and liasing with MUA.

My wedding is supposed to be in december but we decided to move it up so my baby sister can be there. She's studying in Jordan and will be coming home for a month soon so i have less than 100 days for everything. Can it be done? My mom is quiet positive about it. Sadly my reception will only be after Raya since the hall is fully booked by now. Just our luck somebody cancel a slot and we grabbed it.

My friends said i'll be having 'nikah gantung' but what is 'nikah gantung' ? As i'm quiet confused of the concept, i google it and here's what i summarised:

"Nikah gantung ialah satu keadaan yang mana sepasang lelaki dan perempuan dinikahkan mengikut segala syarat-syarat nikah dalam Islam tetapi ditangguhkan tinggal bersama sehingga hari persandingan.

Nikah gantung hanyalah adat Melayu. Dalam Islam, apabila sepasang lelaki dan perempuan dinikahkan mengikut syarat-syarat nikah, maka terjalinlah ikatan suami isteri antara mereka dengan setiap pihak memikul tanggungjawab dan hak masing-masing termasuklah duduk serumah.

Pasangan pengantin (suami isteri) tidak tinggal serumah dalam tempoh-tempoh tertentu kerana beberapa keadaan seperti (sekadar menyebut beberapa contoh) :

* Masih menuntut di kolej atau universiti
* Tidak mempunyai kemampuan menyewa rumah
* Belum bersedia menanggung komitmen kehidupan berumahtangga

Justeru itu , buat tempoh tertentu pasangan suami isteri yang telah dinikahkan itu tinggal berasingan (atas persetujuan bersama kedua-dua pihak) dan barangkali tinggal bersama keluarga masing-masing sehinggalah mereka merasakan segala halangan di atas telah selesai dan mereka benar-benar bersedia mengharungi kehidupan berumahtangga yang besar tanggungjawabnya.

Kelebihan Nikah Gantung ini ialah mereka adalah pasangan suami isteri yang sah mengikut hukum agama dan undang-undang negara. Andai dalam tempoh itu mereka bertemu, keluar makan, dating, study bersama bahkan kalau mereka terlanjur sekalipun mengadakan hubungan seks, maka apa yang mereka lakukan itu tidak salah atau tidak haram.

Andai berlaku kehamilan, maka pasangan itu tidak perlu panik terutama pihak gadis yang hamil kerana ia menghamilkan anaknya yang sah nasab (keturunan). Bahkan nanti mereka tidak perlu malu dan menjauhkan diri dari keluarga kerana keluarga pula akan menyambut kedatangan bayi itu dengan bangga dan bermaruah."

Well, i dun think i'm in this category just because some of the reasons why a married couple do not live together is because either they are still studying, or is not ready for the commitment. I should just throw away the 'nikah gantung' concept outta window.

Today i spent the entire day with fiance and his mom looking for his songket and tux. The search is neverending. Gotta sleep now as i need to do my medical check-up tomorrow.

Will try my hardest to update soon. Alas, the future-me will appreciate the present-me for noting every journey back again.

I'll see you soon,
The bride-to-be

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