Saturday, February 12, 2011

I'm still Alive ;)

Oh No.

I've been truly bad at updating unlike my old self. Second month of a new year and here i am dusting off the cobweb or attempting to.

I'm super duper lazy eventhought there's so much going on right now and I know few years down the road i'll be regreting not writing everything here and not remembering all these events.

So lets start with what i do remember first;

Bungee Jump it was something that i did the last day of 2010. I've been begging N for days/months? to bring me to sunway and finally he did. I was so focus on doing it that it didn't occur to me that i might be chikening out up there. Oh No, i was super confident everything will be such a breeze. The minute i was on the ledge? and looked down and see all the tiny people, i started having second thoughts. What the hell was i thinking and why do i put myself throught this? I was so terrified since of course i have fear of heights that i bawled my eyes out and standing there for i dunno 10 minutes or so? while N and his family keep on giving me encouraging words to just JUMP. Heck, i dunno what happened, next thing I know I closed my eyes and felt the guy who was holding me giving me a push and there i was swinging under the bridge and praying that i won't have a heart attack and die. Such drama queen. N was pumped out wanting to joined me when earlier he didn't wanna jump. Maybe seeing how brave(LOL) i was, he decided what the heck, live in the moment & he actually enjoyed it. Well what can i say from this experience; I might not jump again but this give me a sense of renewed confidence. If I can conquer my fear, i can do anything else. Live in the moment yeah.

Wedding Updates as of now, wedding favors are done. Mom is in progress of beautifying them. My wedding dresses; praying hard the tailor done justice to them based on the pictures that i gave and the sketches that they did. I truly truly wanna look my best in my wedding dresses. For akad; the colour will be beige but i called them champange colour and my reception will be cream. I love my french laces and i truly can't wait to see the final outcome but since my wedding is still a long way to go, we agreed that the first fitting will be in august. Haven't found anything suitable for groom's reception and honestly haven't even look for a dress yet but since we agreed it'll be a black and white theme, maybe it'll make finding a dress easier. I would prefer finding something readymade. Haven't book photographer and make up artist. I think i'll start searching by next month for them.

Water Rafting/ Waterfall Abseiling when i initially told N i wanted to try water raftin, he forbid me. Basically he was quite apprehensive in me doing any kind of extreme sports because of " darah manis" taboo where people who is getting married are more accident prone so they should take extra care of themselves. Nevertheless, my heart was set on experiencing it and Shu took charge with doing all the necessary booking and I persuade N to join in so last week me, N, Shu, Lee and Ainaa went to Gopeng. We booked 2 activities so we were there since 9am till 6 pm. What can I say other than FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN. Seeing myself dangling from a waterfall and using my own weight to climb down was such a surreal experience. Water rafting is something that i forsee myself doing again. Lately i have this penchant for extreme sports and would like to try ATV next.

Gym My company recently decided that we need to do some healthy activities so my boss is paying for me and my colleagues gym membership at Fitness First. Well am trying to lose these few extra pounds so lets hope that i got the body that i want before the wedding.

Well, i should stop now. It's almost 3am and i'm Sick but i miss blogging so hopefully my readers ( do i even have one anymore? ) are satisfy for now. Good morning (;

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