Monday, May 7, 2012

The last stage

So hard to update these days since i returned my office laptop and i'm just plain lazy to use the pc at home so this is a rare occurence. So some brief update on pregnancy so far ( might be boring for you );

Week: 39++
Due date: 11th May
Mummy's Weight: 54.5kg
Baby's weight: 3kg or 3.4kg ( we'll see ). I don't think it's 3.4kg since i lost some weight in a week. How does that happened?

Last i checked i was 2cm dilated so the Dr wanted to see me this Wednesday. He told me that i can have a plan delivery where i can come in earlier than my due date and he'll break the water so i'll be in labour. Hubby was all for it but i rather wait for the contraction to start normally or until i'm overdue as i do not want to take the risk of c-sec if i'm not fully dilated even when the water breaks. I don't want to be pressured or forced and as long as the baby is not at risk, she can stay in there until Friday then the Dr can do whatever he wants.

So far no contraction just the normal discomfort whenever my tummy harden and reveal the shape of the baby's body. Surreal huh!

The last few days has been spent stuffing my face with food. Got my ribs, sushi, salmon salad, pasta, ice-cream, pavlova etc up until the point i do not know what else i'm craving for.

And now pictures galore;

Baby's shower thrown by hubby and organised by my besties. I was surprised ;)

My mother in law was there too. LOL. They were so sweet. Thank you to those who has been a part of this. Truly appreciate it.

Well hopefully my next post will be with baby's picture on it ;) Till then.

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