There will come a time when I'm forced to cook. ;p Owh the wonder of having maids. They clean, cook, iron. They are the epitome of wonder women a.k.a your mom SIDEKICK. They did everything to make your life easier. Once a year, they will disappear. The time call Hari Raya. They will want to go home and see their family. The most busiest month when the will be guests at your house and THEY ARE GONE and because your are a decent human being with feelings, you let them have their holiday.
So that is why these days you'll see me in the kitchen everyday or vacumming the room and clean and iron everyday and feed the cats. I do not know how to cook but i've been cooking for the past week just so my hubby have something to eat for iftar and sahur. Sometimes he'll take a pity on me and bought something for us to eat but most of the time i'll try cooking something oh-so-simple-if-you-don't-know-how-to-cook-you-are-plain-lazy.
Be it fried chicken/fish or eggs (blow nails) so sometimes i try chicken soup or -i-dunno-da-name-in-english but we called in ayam pedas. My father in law bought a lot of udang so i attempted udang masak lemak cili padi (the wonder of internet- follows the receipe exactly) and when i came down after solat, habis okay. None left for sahur ;D
If you are wondering, my mother in law is at her hometown. She went back a day before the maid so yeah i guess i'm stuck with feeding hubby myself.
So yeah, now i'm not afraid of the kitchen. I know I can feed myself when no one at home unlike pre-wedding where i depended on my mom 24/7. Mama takda mmg tak makan tahap pemalas macam dewa.
I guess marriage do wonders for you. I'm no cooking maestro. Still a beginner so no dish can be perfect 100% but i'll show some effort, no?
Taking baby steps every single day....
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