The magic word. Everybody yearn to have it and experience it once in a while. But spa can be a bit expensive. I should know. Went to numerous of them before married. Well, now I don't have to fret about wanting to indulge myself once in a while as I found a getaway closer to home.
My mother-in-law's has recently re-open her homespa. She had it before at our old house but we decided to move when I was pregnant with Audreyna for more room and space. Now she found a perfect place to have her homespa again. And we all cheers ;)
It is situated at No 5-1, Jalan 5d/6, Taman Setapak Indah,53300 KL. It a topfloor townhouse close to Festival City. After Festival City, turn right at the traffic light. Turn another right at the first junction. You'll see apartments on both sides. Go straight and look for the street address. As easy as ABC.
What can you get at Norash Health & Beauty Spa?
Resdung+Basic facial: RM15 ( dirt cheap you'll sing with joy)
Spa: RM35
Mandi Bunga/Mandi Susu: Less than RM50.
The spa is not the one where you rendam-rendam dalam bathtub je. What's the point in that? It's actually a SG 2000 Home Spa with special oils to cater to your needs.
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The Equipments |
15 minutes of soaking in the SG2000 Ultrasonic Hydrotherapy Home Spa is equivalent to a 3-5km slow jog in energy exchange. You will find your heart rate increased due to the excellent blood circulatory effect, and experience an internal warming effect, which is key to good health.
5 Keys Benefits
1. Internal Warming: Internal warming increases our body temperature and boosts the immune system, metabolic rate and stimulates the creation of blood cells. It's like what you feel after exercising, there's heat coming out of you. And you'll feel good about it knowing you exercise hard!
2. Blood circulation (exercise effect): A 15 minute soak with the SG2000 Hydrotherapy Home Spa is equivalent to a 3-5km slow jog in energy exchange and 200-300 calorie loss. I still remember the first time I tried it, after 15 minutes, penat gilerrrrrr macam exercise padahal you just soak in the tub.
3. Full body massage: Sapa yang macam geli orang lain urut you but badan still sakit-sakit nak dimanjakan, well this is your answer. Besttttt sangat.
4. Deep cleansing: Ultrasound is used industrially for cleaning purposes. With 10,000-15,000 microtremors produced per second, ultrasound is able to vibrate the dirt and grime from the deep within the pores and achieve the effects of a body scrub. What will happen is, once the bubbles dissappeared, you will definitely see how dirty the water is WITH YOUR OWN DIRT. It's so unbelieveable that we think we are clean and yet once done they removed dirts from your poressss. Rasa bersih sangat after that.
5. Body contouring: 46 litres or air bubbles are emitted at high speeds to massage the areas which you wish to tone. Simply relax at the right positions in the tub for a targeted body contouring and firming. SG2000 ultrasonic hydrospa is also able to remove water retention in the body. With 200-300 calories lost in energy with a 15 minute session, combined with the right diet, slimming can be achieved.
Source: Wellness Hydro Spa
You see a lot of spa might have the same equipments but THEY DEFINITELY CAN'T COMPETE WITH OUR PRICE.
My husband definitely loves this. So sesapa yang nak bawa husband, adik, kakak, emak, kawan, wife etc you'll not regret this.
If you have:
Slip Disc
Muscle Ache
Low/High Blood Pressure
We definitely recommend you to try. It's an ozone spa that will help to rejuvenate your cells.
To book an appointment, please contact Pn Yang Nor Asiken at 017-8797499.
Strictly appointments as we do not live there. If you pakai terjah je, nanti takda orang kat rumah. So book an appointment today.